Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Scooter" the turtle

One thing that keeps me going in my business is the challenge of new and different pets people keep.
One of my long time customers just "adopted" a red footed tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria) for their son. After discussing with the parents about what I need to do for the turtle I really think THEY are the ones that are thrilled with their new pet!.
"Scooter" has quite the set-up. He is in a 50 gallon aquarium/terrarium. He has plenty of places to hide under a canopie of sheddings and faux foliage. He has a "flintstone" type of pond that needs to cleaned out every other day because similar to my iguanas, this tortoise has an affinity for pooping in the tub of water.
I also need to spray inside the aquarium with mists of water to keep the humidity up in his temperature controlled climate. The humidity reader needs to be at least at
50. When I checked it first thing in the morning, it was at 30, so I sprayed fresh water around to keep it moist.
Scooter has the life of Riley. I cut up very fine kiwi fruit, carrots, a plum and romaine organic lettuce.
I plunked him down in front of his buffet.
His little head poked out very slowly and then back in again.
He was hilarious to watch, if not a bit obscene.
Yes, his head looked like a little penis.
I know, I know I AM juvenile.
As my mother would say, "oh for God's sake! What are you a 5 year old!?!"
I used to have turtles when I was a little kid. They were the painted turtles. We would get them from a big bin filled with hundreds of them all piled on top of each other at the local 5 & 10 store.
A childhood chum, "Richie P", always seemed to have a turtle or two in his pockets as well as a hamster. My Aunt Anna had a gigantic turtle that she kept in her apartment bathtub. She would pick it up and kiss him on top of it's huge head calling him her "little fig".
When I mentioned to my mother that I had a new "turtle" customer she said,"oh remember Aunt Anna's turtle?!"
*Just out of clarification of terms used: "Scooter" is a tortoise which means he is a land dweller. My Aunt Anna had a turtle which meant he lived in water.I sometimes tend to use the words "turtle and tortoise" interchangeably but I think you all know what I mean. They are both are cute and funny little herps!


  1. Unlike that uber-popular youtube video of the zombie kid, and his famous quote... I hate turtles.
