Thursday, April 14, 2011

The wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 22

I'm still out there in the morning feeding the pigeons. There is just a small gathering. I think the winter survivors plus newcomers "Jlo", "Hung Cow" (white tail) and "Nord Cow" (White mustache).
I DID find "Whitey" but not with the Salisbury beach crowd.
I've seen him numerous times up by the Rte 286 Seabrook overpass. He is easy to spot since he such a brillant white. There is a breakfast restaurant near the overpass so I am guessing there are lots of left over pancakes and toast near by to feast on.
Maybe he got sick of pizza.
Here is a funny story. I wanted to see if there was a patron Saint for pigeons. I "googled" it and guess what?
MY BLOG showed up!
Does that make me the patron saint of pigeons now?
I found this lovely painting (above) online as well. It's nice to see somebody else out there appreciates their subtle common beauty.


  1. That's an amazing painting, V. I wonder if the image on the bottom row, second from the right, is representing the entanglement those plastic rings for beer cause.

    At first, I thought it was one of yours because of the aura around some of the birds' heads.

    Whoever made that painting and you are certainly connected spiritually, don't you think?

  2. Yes, I did think the painting look like something I would do. Matter-of-fact, before I even saw these paintings I started an icon pigeon sketch in preparation of an icon.
    Some of my fellow icon painters did "kitty saints" of their pet cats.
    I must say, the artist is brillant :-0

  3. I say...if you googled it, then it is so. You ARE the patron saint of pigeons.
