Thursday, June 2, 2011

Against all odds

I just finished reading (actually listening to the book on CD) Scott Brown's book "Against all Odds".

Scott Brown is our newly elected US senator who won Ted Kennedy's vacant seat.

He is an interesting guy as well as down to earth normal guy. I liked Martha Coakley (attorney general) who ran against him but I am glad he won.

She was considered a shoo in for the senate seat. However, she ran a crappy campaign and the general public didn't like how the democrats were manipulating the election. It was especiallly obnoxious and I believe, unconstitutional, how Devil Patrick (the joke "Governor") could appoint a senate stand-in when Mitt Romney (a real Governor) could not. Ted Kennedy issued this resolution shortly before he died to ensure a democrat would appointed. Sneaky sleazy bull-shit.

And I think that is one of the many reasons Scott Brown won the senate seat. I think the voters were sick of the shit.

Martha Coakley refused to debate with Scott Brown and when she was forced to debate him she attacked him with out answering the questions. The final blow to her campaign was when she uttered the words that ( former ) Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling "is a yankee fan"and that " Al Queda was no longer a threat in Afghanistan".

She looked desperate with all the negative ads and with those kind of statements , kind of stupid. I personally got sick of associates of mine who are liberal democrats shoving their agenda down my throat. They can vote, think and believe whatever they want.

I don't care. It is a free country.

Just stop shoving your stupid bull-shit down my throat.


I think some people thought that it would hurt Scott Brown's chance of electability because he posed for Cosmopolitan magazine as a model to pay for law school.

Are you kidding me?!?!

Check out this picture (above)

And guess what else? He also worked in Dunkin donuts...

Is this guy hot or what?!?!

He gets my VOTE!!!!!!


  1. He looks even better in person. Attends many ALS fund raising events. Is taller than The Captain, maybe 6'5" or more. Seriously good looking.

  2. Yup, he is shining star amongst a gaggle of wankers.
