Friday, April 20, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 69

Check out this article. Pigeons are super smart!

Meanwhile there are a whole new group of pigeons on the beach. I am sure many of them are old regulars but a few stand out with distinct colorings and patterns. I see "the Rock" out there trying to score a lady friend. "Galok" is back along with "Raunchy". There are some smaller odd ones which might have flown from Seabrook or Newburyport.

Craow Dum doesn't seem to mind his nebulizer tank. I finally figured it out . He does have to be in it for at least 30 minutes at a time for the medicine to infuse. I've looked up videos on to see how exotics (birds and reptiles) are nebulized. I think I am doing it correctly. By 30 minutes he is "bustin'-a-move' and wants to get out to poop. (He will not poop in the tank. He is actually quite fussy where he poops)
Unfortunately, he still has a snotty nose. During the day he looks pretty good but by morning he is a boogery mess. Maybe he will always have a snotty nose. The main thing if the klebsiella bacteria is killed off so it isn't eating the bone.


  1. And that is a picture of him disapproving of your choice of eye shadow?

  2. I think he disapproves of my blue nail polish!
