Tuesday, April 10, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 65

Craow Dum has quickly become" the million dollar bird". Well, actually he is more likely "the thousand dollar bird". It is expensive to (properly) care for pets. If you" step up to the plate" to house an animal, large or small, you have to do it right. My birds are expensive to care for because they have to have a specialized vet. It makes me sick when I hear people who have birds tell me "that they never take their bird to the vet because it's only a bird".
Craow Dum had his follow up vet appointment today. He had a culture done of the mucus in his nose plus a doxycycline injection. It was a huge amount of meds and he was not happy afterwards. At least I know with an injection that the meds are in him now. Hopefully this will help him. He was a little out of sorts and very cranky after his injection.
Next week, he will need a second dose. In addition, I had to order a nebulizing system for him. He will be placed in an enclosed area similar to what you would put preemie babies in. I will set up a clean aquarium to put him in which will act as an incubator or isolation "room". He will be breathing antibiotics for a period of 10 minutes twice a day (At least to my understanding. Once I get the nebulizer in the mail I'll call the vet office for the prescription)
What ever is residing in his sinus cavity is pretty nasty. The other meds that he was on, which were broad spectrum potent antibiotics did nothing. This surprised me.
For the doxycycline, I had to remove his grit. Grit contains calcium silicates which interferes with this medication.
Once again, he was the star attraction at the vet office. The entire staff came into the operatory to see him. He likes the attention but he lets you know when he has had enough by "bustin'-a-move".
No, his beak will never grow back. The goal here is to stop the infection that is continually eating at the bone. Right now, it's "Judge Judy" time. This is his favorite TV show.


  1. This will be worth a special post when it gets set up. I picture Black Beard in a glass aquarium without a top, sitting on a fleece blankie, breathing a white mist that is issuing from a blue "smoke machine." Lucky bird!

  2. Oh yeah, that is exactly what will happen! :-)
    All in all with what he has gone through (so far) he still has this lovely cuddly disposition.
