* WARNING! Some of the contents of this posting may be juvenile and vulgar to readers!
Every once in awhile I will have very vivid and odd dreams that seem to come out of nowhere. Maybe because I was watching the news that spurred on this particular dream.
I had a dream that I was presidential front runner Mitt Romney's, PR agent.
Mitt Romney had a terrible gas problem.
My job was to cover it up so that the press wouldn't find out about it and embarrass him.
(I've had numerous 'shit jobs"in real life so this wasn't really a stretch)
I brought along a big ugly bull-dog on the campaign so he could "blame the dog".
I know ...I know...this is bad!
I thought to myself, why is God's name would I even dream about something like this?!?!?
And then it occurred to me.
I had often said that I thought Mitt was a decent Governor. He did every thing right except for implementing a "mandatory health care insurance" mandate.
This is such a flawed and hurried stupid law!
If you are self employed, unemployed or can't get health care insurance from a company you work for you are then screwed big time financially! It is almost impossible to qualify for the insurance plan the state so call provides. For example, a close friend of mine who collects unemployment does not qualify for the state insurance because the amount of money she receives in unemployment exceeds the maximum amount to qualify! What a scam!
So most of her money she collects in unemployment goes to paying for private health insurance which is now a mandated requirement in the state of Massachusetts. The choice of not having insurance for a period of time, which could mean a year or so in hopes she didn't need it until she found a job that offered insurance, was not really an option. You are fined for opting out of having insurance.(I think it is a $2,000.00 fine)
I do not think Romney clearly thought this proposal out. I think he wanted to make his mark in Massachusetts as the first governor to propose a health insurance plan but instead he left Massachusetts with a mess.
I would joke to my friend about his sudden departure saying, "it was like he farted and left the room".
Maybe that is why I had this silly dream.
I don't think many people see the new insurance law in Massachusetts from your friend's point of view, V. Thanks for sharing it.