Last night was the super bowl football game.
It was the NE Patriots against the NY Giants.
I am not a football fan what- so- ever. Matter of fact, I am glad the super bowl was finally here because that means I don't have to hear about football for the rest of the season.
With that being said, I am captivated by how many people support and anxiously await the super bowl game. For the past two weeks, I've seen more people than not: men, women and kids wearing football sweaters, hats and jackets. I've seen signs and various displays on people's lawns and vehicles proudly showing their support for their home team. The super bowl is Christmas for these football fans.
People not only watch the game for THE game but the entire entertainment venue. This includes the sports talk discussions, the funny commercials and the half time show.
And of course, my husband watched the game. The birds joined him as well. "Princess" was uninterested and promptly fell asleep. "Fresh Baby", however, squawked and raised her wings up high whenever there was an exciting play (on either team).'"Craow Dum" was busy 'busting a move". He finally hunkered down and watched the game. He likes football. "Linus" was singing so loudly it was hard to hear anything. Sometimes I miss phone calls because of his serenades.
I read the sunday paper. I was checking out the commercials (they were all lame) and awaited the half time show which featured Madonna. 8:00pm was the half time show.
At the stroke of 8:00, the TV got all scrambled and the screen turned black. My husband and I looked at each other and simultaneously screamed ,"F*CK!!!"
We ran downstairs and turned on the TV there to watch the show and the rest of the game.
Madonna looked fab! I looooved her boots! All was well for the time being.
With one minute left of the game with the Patriots leading the same thing happened to the downstairs TV as the upstairs TV. I was nodding off to sleep to be loudly awoken by the sounds of, "Oh SHIT! SHIT!SHIT! SHIIIIIIT!"
The screen scrambled and turned black. Any kind of transmission interference causes us to lose TV reception. He raced to find a radio to at least listen to the end results.
Just in case you didn't watch or listen to the game : the Giants won 21-17
I didn't hear a single thing all night long. I woke sure that we had lost because I would have heard shouting and horns and fireworks if we'd won. Oh, well.