As author Andrew D. Belchman describes them as..."most revered and reviled bird".
People find them either as invisible or as " rats with wings".
The funny part is whenever I tell people I have a pigeon as a pet their eyes widen with fascination and curiosity.
Again, there is this certain prejudice that lies with pigeons.
I had a easy day yesterday so I spent my time with my birds.
I am happiest when I'm with my birds.
Everyone was out of their cages flying around. Oh sure, they were making a mess. Either they were pooping somewhere, ripping up the newspaper or splashing around in the water filled brownie pan on the table.
"Craow Dum" loves to take a bath. After he takes a bath all the other birds get interested in splashing around as well. Since he is missing most of his beak he can not groom his feather's properly so I have to towel him off and clean his face. He is like a booger-nose kid. Oddly, he does'nt mind me wiping his nares (nose). He is very meticulous when it comes to grooming. This completely refutes the fact that they are 'dirty animals".
After he is dried and cleaned he finds his spot on the couch (or my lap) for an afternoon snooze.
I sometimes forget he is "just a pigeon". I am reminded of that fact whenever anyone comes over my house and sees him. People all seem to have the same reaction. They are amazed that anyone would have pigeon for a pet. It is, indeed, a curiosity.
My husband finds the beauty in these birds( like me) and will often remark, "oh see those two (pigeons) up there? They are beautiful ones!" Even on cold and stormy days we will do our best to make sure the beach pigeons get fed.
When I've "chatted" online with other bird enthusiasts. I find folks from Australia view free flying native cockatoos as pests. I can not imagine seeing those beautiful birds as pests but then again I am a "pigeon hugger" too! I think ALL birds are perfect and beautiful!
* above photo is Craow Dum taking a bath with Fresh Baby overseeing the task.
The Cape Ann Pigeon Racing club used to have their meetings next to our rental house in Riverdale in Gloucester back in the day. They certainly loved and cared for their racing stock. Maybe there's pigeons and then there's PIGeons. Depends on your perspective.