I dared to venture out to visit and say "hello' to my scuba dive buddies this weekend.
I kind of feel like the groundhog poking my head out to see sunshine for the first time all year. I haven't felt well for at least a month. This is typical for me this time of year. I always feel shitty for the months of December to March.
At least I was out and about thinking of friendly summery thoughts. It is really nice to see my pals and talk about fun scuba stuff.
My birds were patiently awaiting my arrival home.
Craow Dum (the pigeon)was basking in the sun snoring loudly.
Linus (male cockatiel) was doing his darnest to sneak into Lucille's cage for a some "afternoon delight". (He refuses to stay in his cage) Eddie was doing her best to prevent this sort of antics by screaming at him.
Whook was chatting up a storm reciting new words he heard repeating. "Don't just stand there! Bust-a-move!" Louie was twirling his head and growling, demanding that his sunflower seeds be replenished ASAP. Both lutino cockatiels were dancing around awaiting their turn to come out of their cages for "shoulder perching time". Patches was whistling to the tune of "Winchester Cathedral". I let everyone out, changed their food/water and cleaned up their messes.
After I got everyone back in order, I went upstairs to wash my face.
I then heard this grunting noise, I turned around, looked down and there was the pigeon staring up at me!
He climbed up the stairs and was looking for me.
He followed me into the bedroom, jumped up on the bed and cooed loudly as if to say,"can I snuggle up with you?" I picked him up and took him downstairs to his place on the couch.
Three cockatiels were already milling around on the couch wanting me to sit with them and (with hopeful anticipation) make them air popped popcorn.
Now you know why it is hard to leave the house for the entire day! :-P
* the above photo is Craow Dum on the top of the stairs!
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