Argh...I've been plagued big time by a non-stop barrage of migraines and fibromyglia.
"Tis the season.
It's f *&^ing exhausting.
I'm asked by people to participate in some activity or asked to travel somewhere just the thought of just having to get up some days is a daunting task never mind having to have to go anywhere. I don't even drive anymore than I absolutely have to anymore either. Driving is exhausting. Thank God my husband is willing to drive me places that are at any distances.
Because of the predictable unpredictabilities of these afflictions I find myself avoiding any and all commitments. Sure, I look healthy and fit but the reality is that I am not all that well.It is so annoying to hear people tell me that they do this, this and this as if I am magically able to do the same or that I should be . Or even worse, when I am told that I must be just lazy.
I have learned and made peace with myself with the things I can do and things that, well, just aren't as important to me anymore. I take things one step at a time. I am happy to be home with my birds.
A few days ago, I decided to paint and clean up the bathroom downstairs. Of course, I pushed myself to finish it and ended up being sick for two days. For a "normal' person this would not have been a big deal. Taking care of my birds on a routine schedule is more of a priority for me above anything else so if nothing else, I make sure they are taken care of.
Yesterday"Eddie" must have known I felt shitty. She cuddled up to me and did not want to let go.The same with "Button". "Patches", however, was attention seeking. He is like an over tired brat not getting his way because he screamed continuously at night. He needs his routine attention AND to be covered up ready for bed by 7:00pm or earlier, or else he is a holy terror. And of course, "Craow Dum" has to have his "TV time" on the couch too.
Well that is all for today. I am dragging my ass and I am grouchy.
I have a date with the birds and the couch.
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