Thursday, December 1, 2011


I went out for my usual early morning jog. I just happen to spot a duck ( An American black duck) staggering across a drive-way.

I thought this was odd.

I walked over to the duck expecting and hoping, it would either run away or fly away. But instead, it plopped down on the driveway and stared up at me making a half-hearted warning 'hiss". If I didn't know any better I would've swore the duck was drunk by the way it was staggering and falling down.

My initial thought was , 'oh shit...I better do something before it gets squished by a speeding morning commuter or attacked by a dog". I ran past the duck further up the street to complete my run and to contemplate of what I was going to do to help the duck.

Why was the duck staggering? It didn't appear to be wounded but then again I was just looking at just the top part of the bird. It then occured to me as I ran past the marsh that perhaps this duck was shot underneath by a duck hunter or poisoned by a lead pellet either lodged in it's body or ingested. I could hear the boom of the shot guns over the marsh.

I turned the corner heading towards my car. I would need a blanket to secure the duck because I could easily get bitten by the frightened animal.

When I returned to the area I couldn't find the duck. Either he hid under somebody's car or under one of the houses. I wasn't about to trespass during the early hours onto somebody's property.

I am hoping, perhaps, he felt strong enough to fly away.

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