Tuesday, November 29, 2011

black friday... insanity?

Some people never ceases to amaze me.

I watch on the news some of the absurd mayhem with people fighting during Black Friday sales events.



I just don't understand that.

I guess some people are just mindless ridiculous savages.


My husband and I went out at 2:00am to do the black friday shopping.

To me, it is a part of the "holiday tradition".

We avoided the stores that sell high end electronics because it seems to me though stores attract the ravenous nut-bag savages.

As I posted before, I go out because it's fun. It's like an old fashion scavenger hunt.

I have coupons and a list. If I don't "score", no problem. It's just a game.

I bought a few X-mas gifts for my family but to be honest, I mostly bought stuff for myself.

I bought a lavender cashmere sweater for $27.00, a JLO handbag for $42.00, 10K gold earrings for $15.50 and a plush animal print blanket for a mere $10.00.

Not bad, eh?

It turns out my brother and his family ventured out as well on a nightly treasure hunt too.

The shops I went in had a good amount of shoppers in there but it wasn't crazy or disorderly. The customer service reps were well trained, helpful and organized.

The shopping part of the holiday is over so now, it's the gift wrapping and baking cookies part that is up next.

I enjoy doing these things.

If it becomes stressful then I will no longer do it.

As of now, I'm having a good time.

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