The other day I saw a button with the words "who in the world is Justin Beaver?" along with a cartoon buck-tooth beaver sporting a shaggy hair-cut.
I burst out laughing.
The button was poking fun at old farts like myself who are clueless in knowing who or what is hip right now. The button was poking fun at the intended (with the play on words) :teen singer Justin Beiber.
Seriously, I have no idea what he sings.
I only know who he is because I, yes, read the National Enquirer.
The National Enquirer is my coffee cake muffin for the mind. It's just fun to read.
I remember a few years ago while I was down in the Florida keys relaxing after a day of scuba diving reading the National Enquirer. Dive buddy Pete caught me reading it and shouted, "don't read that ! It will make you reeeetaaaahded!"
I don't care.
It's light and entertaining.
One time I won $25.00 because I sent in a letter to the editor stating that I was "disgusted with Joan Lunden because she happily promoted using a Japanese skin care product that contained whale oil!"
And I just sent them another letter because I was disgusted that a pet store allowed convicted animal abuser Micheal Vick to purchase a caique parrot! Really!
I plead guilty that I enjoy seeing what the movie stars are wearing-especially Angelina Jolie.
Sad to say but I know who "Snooky" is, "lil' Wayne" and who the Kardashians are.
All without the benefit of a radio or cable TV.
Yup, I'll admit I felt kind of sad that Demi and Ashton broke up as well as JLo and Marc Anthony.
I kind of miss seeing Paris Hilton.
She is no longer the "it" girl. She, however, would crack me up.
I am glad I see less and less of that F*&^ing loser Charlie Sheen and Micheal (child diddler) Jackson. Gag....
OK, I am going to have a cup of tea and read my latest issue of the Enquirer with my birds now.
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