Sunday, October 2, 2011

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 44

It is rainy crappy day with winds blowing out of the NE.

A typical October day, really.

Unfortunately, this makes for a 'no diving today' day.

The pigeons were nowhere to be seen on the beach. They must bee hiding somewhere out of the wind.

I have been completely stressed out worrying about my birds so a nice "weather cooperating" day for that "one more day of diving" would've been just what the doctor ordered.

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be.

Oh well.

Craow Dum has been doing OK. He follows me around and pecks at my hands and feet. He will snuggle up to me like a dog would.

My long time pal came up yesterday for a visit. I didn't tell her about the pigeon.

She stopped and gasped when she noticed the pigeon hut.

"What the F*&^!?!"

(Yup, it is a pigeon)

She shakes her head in amazement.

"Aren't you afraid of germs?"

(He has been given meds ranging from antibotics, antifungal, antiprotozoa and sprayed twice for lices and mites. Hey, by the way, take off your friggin' sandy sneakers they are making a mess of my floor for Chriss sake!)


"You actually spent money and took him to the vet?"

(Yup, I couldn't just leave him there))

"Jesus..he is a homely little thing"

(His mouth is deformed so he can not pick up seeds. So he has to live with us)

"I'm afraid to ask..where did you find him?"

(In a sewer drain)

"Oh my GOD! That is gross HOW did you so happen to find him in a sewer drain?"

(I was jogging by and saw him stuck in a grate)

"That's just gross"

"Oh My God! What is on your deck? Are those pigeons?"

(Yes, those are pigeons and they come by all the time to visit)

"That is so hilarious! They are actually trying to look through the glass door!"


"Wait til I tell my mother. She will crack up"

(Tell her that "Whook" (the blue budgie) was asking for her)

She then shook her head with a grin and sighed.

*Here is the latest photo of Craow Dum. (above) You will notice how his beak can not close so he is a "mouth breather".

1 comment:

  1. I think your pigeon visitors are paying attention to Craow Dum because he has fallen into a tub of butter. They envy him. They're trying to decide how to get some for themselves.
