Sunday, October 30, 2011

dodging the bullet

Everytime I go on vacation as of lately, I get serious anxiety attacks.
I just hate leaving my birds.
I've almost cancelled my trip numerous times.
Plus, it is guaranteed that I will get sick on the airplane.
The nasty body and chemical smells, dry dirty air, air pressure changes, lack of sleep and altitude never fail to trigger a monsoon migraine enough to make me puke.
I did make it on the plane to Bonaire but like clock-work was laid up in bed for entire day missing a full day of diving and just plain being human.
I went with a different car rental company this time which turned up to be a mistake.
The truck would not go into gear, it smelled of "brakes" and the tires were shiny bald.
The next morning, after waking up from my migraine coma a tire was completely flat. I called the rental car company to fix it.
I wasn't going to change a tire PERIOD! They fixed the tire and switched trucks. I felt I dodged a bullet on that one.
My cell phone doesn't work in Bonaire and we could've been stuck over at the Hilma Hooker or some other isolated remote place.
However, the "new" truck wasn't any better. The windsheild wipers didn't work. When you stepped on the brake it lunged first before stopping. They gave me this truck with the "gas empty" light on too. I was sweating it hoping to make it to the gas station.
I brought Bonaire guilders with me thinking to myself how smart I was to have saved 40 guilders (Bonaire currency) from my last trip. When I arrived at the gas station I was informed as of last March, Bonaire no longer accepts floras and guilders since they are no longer a part of the Netherlands Antilles. They now officially only take US dollars!I dodged the bullet again because my husband, thankfully, had $20.00 in US dollars on him.
This sort of stuff is what had been happening the entire trip. I would get myself into situations that would/could initiate panic but I ended up sliding under the wire so to speak.
The same thing happened leaving Bonaire as well. One couple we met while diving told us it was "snowing in Boston".
It's F*&^ing October!
This is one of the reasons I like to go on vacation in the fall to miss winter snowstorms. I thought they were joking.
When we arrived in Atlanta the plane sat and sat on the runway. I thought for sure we would miss our connecting flight. We made a dash to the connecting terminal a mile away and alas the terminal for departure was changed to another terminal! Panicking, we raced to that terminal only to be informed the flight was delayed due to weather conditions.
At least our luggage arrived at a reasonable time. Another bullet dodged.
We did get on that flight and arrived in Boston at 1:00 F*&^%ing am.
Again, I was sick. There was a foot of wet snow at the bus terminal. We just barely made the last bus departing from Logan at 1:20am. The ride was slow and treacherous with blinding wet snow.The thought of driving over the Newburyport bridge in this mess put me in a full blown panic attack.
We made it over the bridge. Another bullet dodged.
We arrived at home with no electricity.
This was unusual since no matter how bad storms are we never lose our electricity. But we did, as well as all of Seabrook, Newburyport and Coastal New Hampshire. It was freezing cold, dark and the garage door opener did not work.
Shit shit shit.
I crawled into bed at 3:20am just thankful to be home.
At 9:00am, I heard the wonderful sounds of "click click click" which menat the elctricity was turned on. I was worried sick over my birds.
We dodged a bullet, once again.


  1. And they say that travel is broadening...
    In your case, I think it is much more than that.
    Welcome back, guys.

  2. That trip sounds like more trouble than it was worth. Thankfully you have cat like reflexes...all that dodging came in handy. Hope you feel better, V!
