Happy New Year!
Last night we went out with my cousins for an early dinner and a movie.
They are on the same wave length as us. They want to go out for the evening but want to stay close to home and come home early. They have pets like we do and have to get up at the crack of dawn so planning an evening out with them works out great.
We had a nice easy enjoyable night.
We talked about the "highlights" and "bummers" of 2010.
The "Highlights" of 2010 for me, were:
1) Our trip to Atlantis.
2) Our trip to Bonaire celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversairy.
3) I lost 20 lbs by not eating donuts. I've religiously kept up with a workout program since May.
4) I've successfully completed two icon paintings.
5) I've recently added "Patches" (the rescue cockatiel) to our flock
6) I've started (this) blog and continue to write.
7) My pet sitting business is still afloat after four years.
The "Bummers" of 2010 for me:
1) I had to take a customer to court for nonpayment of services. I chock it up as a learning experience. I am happy to say that my regular customers are nice and normal. I think it is a normal part of owning a business that every once in awhile you run into a "bad apple".
2) It was tough to watch both my sister and a cousin suffer through the painful process of divorce.
3) It's scary to watch your parents age. I go into major panic mode whenever one (or both) has an injury. They tend to hide stuff like this from me which puts me more on "worry wart' mode.
My cousin and I also discussed what 'goals" we had in store for 2011. It's funny though, the goals I had when I was younger are much different from the goals I seek today.
Only just a few years ago, my ambitions were on turbo-charge focusing solely on what I wanted.
Those goals, such as starting a competitive productive business, have been reached. I have scaled down a bit focusing mostly on my health and do not let myself to be stressed by over working.
Another goal I had was to do extensive traveling by picking exotic destinations with the most challenging places to scuba dive. I've now been to most of these places. Sometimes I like just hanging around spending time with my birds.
I've always wanted a fancy car but I am just satisfied that my American made car( soon to be extinct model) keeps on running. Sure, I'm a "material girl" but I buy my designer duds at consignment stores. At the same time I am more generous with my favorite charitable organizations. (The Oasis foundation, The Gabriel foundation, (local) ASPCA, and the (Salisbury) Pettingil house)
I am just hoping this year sustains the status quo.
I want to make sure I can keep the weight off. I hope my business can stay afloat. I hope to do a little more local scuba diving and bird watching. Probably my biggest concern is that I hope my parents remain healthy and self sufficient.
I may take another art class or enroll in yoga class.
Who knows? I'm just going to take in one day at a time.
Your New Years outing sounds very rational. No loud parties. No heavy drinking. Very nice.