On wednesday, the east coast got hit with a blizzard.
On my back deck, I measured two feet of snow accumulation. And of course, the drifts measured at 4-5 feet high.
Thankfully, I did not have any customers that were away on vacation during this time. It would've been a nightmare to have to go out and drive on the roads-especially if it was out on Plum Island. When we get storm warnings mixed with the season's super high tides you can not get out on the island because the bridge in under water.
In the past years, I've had to go out a few times of day while owners were away to feed and let their dogs out. The biggest problem was the owners failed to plan for snow removal when they were away.
One lady asked me if I had shoveled her driveway. (No way, Jose)
I had another customer ask me routinely on the worst days ever to pick up cat food and kitty litter "on my way over".
Are you shitting me?
I never even got a tip for my extra services.
For awhile, I was getting calls last minute to come over to take care of their animals because the owners were stuck at work.
Let me tell you, what a pain that was.
When the government announces that"nonessential personnel should not be out on the road" you know it is dangerous out. One time I got pulled over by the police asking what I was doing on the road since no one was out except for the plows and sanders. I had to explain that I was a pet sitter and the owner was not home to feed and care for the animal.
My husband and I spent hours clearing the snow. The aggravating part of the whole thing is after we finished our job some asshole with a plow would plow us in with a mountain of snow. I swear they do it on purpose.
Luckily, last wednesday and thursday, the owners were home from work and I did not have to go out. The "boarder" birds were warm and comfortable in my home. I had my husband light the pilot on the gas fireplace just in case we lost electricity due to the heavy snow and ripping NE winds. At least one room would be warm if we lost power.
I still have to be careful walking dogs and driving around after the storm. Snowbanks are piled high and people drive around curves going too fast talking on their cell phones.
The roads are still really slippery. The dogs tend to pull on their leads to sniff that tempting patch of yellow snow over an icy spot. The salt splattered haphazardly all over the roads is painful for some dogs to walk on. They tend to get it stuck between their paws.
It's just awful.
I want to scream when I see "let it snow" decorations with stupid smiling snowmen.
I hate the F*&^ing snow.
I have one word for you.... Arizona. A-R-I-Z-O-N-A... it's a state...in the west. It doesn't snow here..well, not in the Phoenix area anyway. And it's warm...year round. Except in the summer when it turns into the fiery pits of hell. And there's no ocean....which means no diving...hmmmm... Ok, well, for that I guess it's not so great, but you know what they say... everything's a trade off.
ReplyDeleteThe heat is bad too.
ReplyDeleteLast summer was awful. Some days it was even too hot to go to the beach.
So-o-o. Is that little cutie in the sweater and knit hat one of your clients? S/He doesn't look like it wants to go out in that getup. Glad you didn't have to.
ReplyDeleteI found his pic on the internet. He is cute, isn't he?