I was reading the sunday newspaper with my birds. They delight at tearing apart the sales papers and making a mess. Thank God for my handy dandy dust-buster. We can all enjoy the paper in our own favorable way.
I see all these ads for "shop here for all your Valentine gifts" as I peruse through the Walgreen's flyer in search for crest toothpaste on sale. I gag at some of the items they pass off as possible gifts for "your sweetheart".
Teddy bears holding signs that say "hot stuff"
Mechanical apes wearing Hawaii shirts and sunglasses that sing "I'm too sexy"
Boxer shorts with lipstick prints all over it
And the worst, red fuzzy handcuffs with a tag that says"prisoner of love".
Of course, the worst "Valentine's ad EVER was :"get her what she really wants....VIAGRA!"
I know there are a lot of people out there that hate Valentine's day for what ever reason.
There was even an episode on the sit-com "the Office" about an "I hate Valentine's day" party.
I like Valentine's day.
I like to get cards.
I get funny and cute cards from friends and relatives.
People get all weird about "having to be a romantic couple" on Valentine's day and feel "left out".
Guys feel pressured into spending inflated prices on roses or having to get off the couch to buy jewelry or whatever.
Girls feel pressured into thinking the guys don't care about them if they don't get that diamond bracelet advertised continually on TV by Kay Jewelers.
Or that mystery bouquet of flowers sent by a "secret admirer".
It's kind of strange.
Believe me, I've had some bad Valentine's days.
When I was in second grade I anxiously awaited getting a box full of pretty Valentine cards from friends. This one jerk (David C) stuffed my mailbox with frozen dog turds. As you can imagine what happened when all those turds defrosted on my desk.
Or finding my locker smeared with rotten bananas and "louies" (phlegm balls)
Yes, that sucked.
However, it never really bothered me when I was single and did not recieve any "secret admirer" Valentines or flowers. I think it was because I always got at least one funny or cute card from a girl-friend, or from my mother.
I'm not a hopeful (or hopeless) romantic type.
But I'm not full of shit either I do love getting flowers and little treats from my husband.
Last year, my Mr. Practical husband said to me, "I'm not buying you flowers because it is rip-off". I shrugged and said, "OK, how about if we go out somewhere nice for dinner?"
He said, "OK so long as it wasn't ON Valentine's day because it's a rip-off".
He surprised me by having a pair of sneakers made with pictures of cockatiels all over them.
I loved the fact that he was so thoughtful and had surprised me with something so special.
So if Valentine's day bums you out do something nice for someone unexpectly. Perhaps send an elderly neighbor flowers or fruit. Or if someone you know is sick send them a funny card.
Be nice! :-)
A good idea...and I agree with your husband. It IS a ripoff.