Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vote for Charlie Baker!

I try not use this forum for my political views.

But this time I just can't help myself.

I haven't felt passionately for a candidate in a long time but this time there is a 'candidate' I passionately want unseated.

And that candidate is "the blind mole rat" (see above photo) who mascarades as the Massachusetts governor :

Deval Patrick.

Let's see, where shall we start?

Let's start from the beginning of why this clown should be tossed out of office.

There must have been alot of cool-aid that went around as for why this jerk ever got elected.

The first thing he did when he got elected was redecorate his office on taxpayers dollars. This was close to $27,000 worth of curtains, desks etc...meanwhile fire stations were being closed down due to the lack of resources. Priorities, eh?

The next thing he did was buy a pricey cadillac escalade ($1,200 monthly payments via taxpayers) Didn't other Massachusett governors drive around in crown victorias? Former Governor Mike Dukakis took the train, remember that?

When Patrick took office he spent a fortune on advertising in Massachusetts to encourage outside companies to create biotech jobs in this state and to promote tourism. Shouldn't he advertised outside the state to get those jobs? Massachusetts never got those badly needed jobs. So what does he do as an alternative to get money in this state? He pushes for legalized gambling!
Wow! What a great alternative! Thank God gambling (so far) hasn't passed approval.


Patrick hired his cronies for "hack" jobs. He hired a $72,000 a year chief of staff for his wife. (And what exactly does she do?)

He hired Maria Walsh for a $175,000 a year state job. This was a job that had been defunct for years but all of a sudden it was 'needed". Did I mention fire stations had been shut down due to lack of resources? The public made enough of a stink (thank God) so she never got the job.

He raised the sales tax from 5% to 6.5%. when the unemployment rate has been the worst since the depression.

Other 'sneaky" taxes and fees went into effect as well. My vehicle registration jumped from $50.00 to $160.00 in one year. Taxes and fees went up on utilities.

As a civil rights lawyer prior to becoming governor, he defended this dirt bag Benjamin LeGuir who brutal raped an elderly woman and then later tormented her years later with nasty letters. I guess her 'civil rights' didn't matter. Patrick corresponded with LeGuir while he was incarcerated stating that (leGuir) was"thoughtful, insightful, eloquent and humane". He paid $5000.00 for DNA in his defense ,much to his chagrin, proved that Leguir was indeed the culprit.

Deval Patrick never voted in Massachusetts prior to his election.

On a September 11th Memorial service in 2007 he is quoted as saying, " It was a mean and nasty and bitter attack on the united states. But it was also about the failure of humans beings to understand each other and to learn to love each other. It seems to me that lesson at that morning is something that we must carry with us everyday"


Jim Ogonowski who had a brother died on the September 11th attack called these comments "completely inappropriate".

I totally agree with Mr. Ogonowski.

What the hell was Patrick thinking?!?!

Bloody insensitive moron.

And of course, Patrick had to stick is nose in the biggest non-event of year. I am referring to the situation regarding that nitwit snot professor Gates and the Cambridge police officer who was just doing his job responding to a call. This was a total 'diss' to the Cambridge police.

Don't get me started....

On a local level Patrick pretty much ignores the north shore as far as help being needed.

Newburyport has for years has had problems with toxic odors emitting from a dump site off of Crows lane. People are getting sick from it due to new Ventures refusing to comply to capping off the site. About three years ago, the officials from Newburyport had a visit from Deval Patrick in which they were complaining about this problem on what to do. He said, "I will personally see to that this problem is solved!"

Two years later, with nothing done, and NBPT residents still getting sick from the fumes, Patrick was invited back up. He said, "I had no idea that this was going on".

Enough said.

Dump the Chump!!!!!

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