Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween is a funny holiday.

I used to love to dress up and go to parties on halloween. I wonder if dressing up in costume is an expression of one's subliminal alter-ego.

My favorite characters I liked to dress as was either "Prince" of the purple rain fame or a policeman.

And yes, as a part of my police costume I would carry the requisite bag of donuts.

I never dressed up as a clown or a princess or anything scary.

How lame.

Last year, my cousin and I goofed around dressed as the "Billy Bob cousins". We were absolutely out of our minds, cracking up at our own stupid jokes and uproarious at how silly were looked with our fake rotten hill billy teeth. We were instantly transformed at back at being two little kids again.

We had great fun.

And we were completely sober.

Yesterday, my husband and I took the train to Salem to check out the festivities during the day.

I wasn't sure if people were dressing up during the day so I sort of went "in between" dressed more like Dorian Grey. It was a total mob scene there. People were dressed in some of the craziest costumes. People really go all the way out with some of their costumes. It's really fun to "people watch' there.

I had been to Salem on Halloween night before some years back but it was a bit out of control due to a few jerks drinking way too much. It is suppose to be a family event but a few trouble-makers wreck things by causing trouble. I distinctly remember that year these two guys dressed as giant penises .

Yes, you read this right.

It was kind of funny, in a surreal way, seeing the cops chase these two giant penis guys through the crowded street. These guys were acting like jerks doing obscene things is why the cops were after them. They were alter-ego dicks, really.

Right now, I am giving out candy out to neighborhood "trick or treater" kids and reminiscing of all the crazy halloween parties with all it's great characters.

Oh how I miss Tammy Fay Baker!

1 comment:

  1. I once saw a woman dressed as Tammy Fay. She had two fake spiders glued to here eyes. You knew who she was as soon as you saw her. I also saw a couple dressed as a giant weenie, and a giant whoo haaa. Their costumes were a little to realistic, and their act was over the top obscene to say the least. They got a lot of crap from people... I'm sure they thought it was going to be a lot funnier to other party goers than it was. People tended to shy away from them until they finally removed the costumes.
