Saturday, October 9, 2010

presidental pets

I couldn't help chuckling when I saw the recent news about President Obama and his dog "Bo". Apparently, "dog whisperer" Cesar Millan made an observation and comment regarding Pres. Obama lack of properly controlling his dog. "The dog is leading! The President is suppose to be leading!"

I've also read comments people made regarding this negatively addressing Cesar.

This is what Cesar does and has an eye for!

When I used to work in a dentist office, my eyes immediately obsessively focus on people's teeth when I talk to them. I was at a party a while back, I was talking to this lady and I couldn't help but stare at her grossly stained teeth. I wanted to grab her and run a cavitron over her teeth. I have no idea what the conversation was about in which I was engaged. I was too fixated on her nasty teeth.
You just can't help it.

Cesar must feel the same way when he sees errant dogs and clueless owners.

I kind of feel Obama got this dog as a prop for photo ops. He probably never had a dog in his life, he is just too busy and probably has'nt a clue of what to do.

Former President Geoge W Bush also had a problem with his dog "Barney" as well. He has had dogs while growing up but I think mum Barbara was the one who took care of the dog(s) in the Bush household while the 'kids' just played with the dogs ,whenever.

Did'nt Former President Clinton have problem with his dog, "Buddy, that was humping everything? Hmmmmm.

Maybe Cesar sees this as an opportunity to be "the presidental dog trainer". You got to give him credit for stepping up to plate to a potential "job" opportunity.

Presidents all through the ages have had pets. Perhaps some got pets for PR reasons and some have had pets because they always had pets.

One presidental pet that stands out to me is Andrew Jackson's parrot. Andrew Jackson was our 7th president. Andrew Jackson had a parrot named "Poll". Apparently this parrot could speak in both spanish and English but what came out of this bird's mouth was obscenties. When Andrew Jackson died, the parrot was present at his funeral. The bird let out a litany of swear words at the service so bad that he had to be removed. Parrots are extremely smart. I am guessing this bird was exposed to alot of expressive salty language!

I hope for Bo's sake that the president hires Cesar to help him teach Bo to behave so that Bo becomes a family member rather than just being there used as a prop.

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