Wednesday, October 13, 2010

call waiting

Call waiting.

Honestly, this has got to be one of the rudest inventions of this century.

Nothing is worst than calling a 'friend' you haven't seen in awhile only to be interupted with a, "oh, there's another call coming in. Can you hold a minute?"

And before you can reply, you get a "click".

And then you wait.

And then you wait.

You have got to be kidding me.

At this point you've completely lost your train of thought and now, you're pissed.

I think of that other rude invention of automated phone service lines where the robot operator gets online while you wait for your call to be transfered and merrily says, "thank you for holding! Your call is sooo important to us!"


When people pull that " oh, hold on while I get this call " shit on me, I just hang up. They can just call me back later when they have the time.

If I have guests at my house and the phone rings, I let the answering machine pick up.

I give my guests my full attention.

And the person making the phone call, I call them back later to give them my full attention as well.

This lack of social (phone) grace phenomenom includes having lunch with somebody and their cell phone is on, and rings. I can understand if you are waiting for an important call, you let your company know that you are expecting an important call and you excuse yourself.

That's having at least a semblance of manners..

It's awful when you are with somebody, their phone rings in mid-conversation and they start chatting with that person as if you do not exist. "Oh hiiiii Jenny!" Oh nothing..just having lunch.." So what is up?""Oh really? WOW! What else happened?" blah blah blah......

Call me old fashion but there just seems to be a new era of rudeness.


  1. OMG!! This is my biggest pet peeve! I HATE the whole "Sorry, I have to take this.." BS. Nothing says "You are not important" like being blown off for call waiting or a ringing cell phone. There can be extenuating loved ones in the hospital...but other than than a life or death situations, there is no call that can't be returned at a later time. That's what they make voice mail and answering machines for.

  2. I have a cell phone for my business but when I am out socializing I shut it off. I'll check the messages later in private.
    If I am especting a call from a certain client at a certain time I will inform my guest(s) that I may get a call and then excuse myself.
    It's just common manners.
    I swear some people are so insecure that they want to see them answering and yapping on the phone as if to show you that they are so important.
    It's so bloody sad!
