Friday, October 29, 2010

sharks in the news

I was watching Fox news this morning while working out down in cell block #9. I clicked on just when the diver's video appeared on the news. As I was observing the video noticing the greenish murky water I thought to myself, "hmmm..I bet that is somewhere in the NE coastline" plus these two divers that were talking sounded like they were from the Boston area.
It turned out that these two divers had a very close encounter with a very large shark off of Eastport, Maine. (Isn't that where Jonathan bird's summer place is located?)
I didn't get what kind of shark it was until I looked it up online and the divers suspected that it was a porbeagle shark.
And of course, being the nutty and oh so common NE divers that we are (and you know who I am talking about!) These two divers interviewed hoped the shark would show up again so they could get a better look.
Here is the link:

Maine diver videos underwater encounter with shark .
* photo taken of porbeagle shark via search engine

1 comment:

  1. I just saw his video footage on youtube. Doesn't show much more than some bubbles and teeth, but you can actually hear him screaming under water.
