Tuesday, October 12, 2010

morning coffee

Although I'm a "tea" person I also really enjoy my morning cup of coffee.

It has to be 'good' coffee too.

I won't drink just any brand of coffee. Nothing is worse than a crappy cup of coffee.

In my humble opinion, dunkin rates up there on top of the list of good coffee.

However, the best coffee of all the coffees I've tried is the "green mountain" brand coffee.

I really like their favored coffees. It's similar to dunkins but a bit more flavorful.

Honeydew donut coffee also ranks high on the list.

One of the best places to get a good cup of coffee on the road is, believe it or not, is in the state of Maine.

I remember one time I was visiting a pal way up in Maine. We stopped in one of those roadside diner/convenience stores to use the bathroom. I wandered into their side store where you can buy the daily news abutting the diner.

I could not believe my eyes.

They had a take-out coffee station room with over 150 carafes of every flavor coffee you can possibly imagine. They had from "house brand" to pecan caramel, blueberry chocolate, cinnamon pumpkin, to whatever.

It was amazing.

Guys in orange day-glo hunting jackets and "pro bass' caps were filling their thermos with their favorite coffee.

I opted for french vanilla.

The coffee was delicious.

My worst coffee experience was in downtown Boston about seven years ago or so. My mother and I did our annual filene's basement shopping excursion. Exhausted from our 'hunt" we decided to stop for coffee. The coffee server in this small upscale kiosk announced that he just brewed a fresh pot of coffee. I put the coffee to my lips and took a sip.

I nearly spat it across the room. It was shocking how gross it was.

"Oh my God! This coffee taste old and dirty!" (It tasted like they brewed old cigarette butts)

I really thought something was seriously wrong and brought it back to the counter.

"Er.....something is wrong with this coffee....it's undrinkable..."

The server poured himself a cup and drank it.

"This coffee is perfect. It is suppose to taste like this", spoken in this weird non-Boston accent.

"This coffee really tastes like shit!".

"This coffee is from Seattle. This is real coffee. Not like your (meaning Boston's dunkin donuts coffee) watered down version served locally".

I couldn't believe that I just paid $3.00 for a really shitty cup of coffee. What a bloody rip-off!

Needless to say, my mother was mortified, "oh just shut up and just drink it for God's sake!"

My Mother hates confrontation whereas I go for the jugglar vein.

However, she thought the coffee sucked too.

As you might have guessed this was the first and last time I bought a coffee at starbucks. Just to note, "peets coffee" and "seattle's best" are as equally shitty.

My father really likes ice coffee. As far back as I can remember my father drank ice coffee in the summer. My mother would brew a pot of coffee, pour it in a juice container and leave it it the refrigerator. I never gave it a second thought until a time we were in Florida in 1976.

We stopped to have lunch at a small family restaurant. My father ordered an 'ice coffee". The waitress just looked at him. "You want ice in your coffee!?!?!" First of all, the waitress had a hard time understanding his "accent" which we thought was weird. Afterall, they had the weird accents not us. Later did we realize, that ice coffee was a " regional" drink, Rhode Island in particular.

Another common beverage we had in our house-hold was 'coffee milk". We had "coffee syrup" as well as chocolate syrup that we would mix in our milk as a flavored treat. This I learned was also a "regional" (Rhode Island) drink.

I finally perfected the perfect brew of coffee: 3 coffee scoops of coffee per 4 cup line of filtered water.

I found "green mountian" pecan praline to be absolutely the best coffee evah!

(Dunkin donuts cinnamon coffee is a close second place)

And don't forget to use use either cream or half and half.

Don't ever use skim milk. It is digusting and turns the coffee grey.


Friends don't let friends drink starbucks!

Life is too short to drink shitty coffee!


  1. I agree with you completely, V. I even found the decaf at Starbucks to be so strong that it tasted gritty and granular. Some people must like it, though. When Cal meets me there on our way home to Gloucester from a week in Worcester, he asks for a decaf and they start a new pot, just for him. You'd think lots of people would like decaf at 4 PM on a work day. Nope. Not at Starstruck's.

  2. Ha ha! I'm glad you agree! I am amazed at how many people actually like starbucks! Seriously, it was a "gross-out shock" to my system when I had my first (and last) cup of seattle style coffee. I can't help it. I'm a die-hard New Englander!
