I woke up a little later than usual and went for my usual run on the beach. I also fed the pigeons. To my surprise, Brownie was there! (Or I think it was Brownie!) The pigeons all gathered around me as I fed them. As I fed them I was pondering about the new year.
What will this new year bring?
I am hoping to stay on track as far as keeping my weight off.
I do think I need to exercise more. I need to step up my exercise program up a notch.
I also want to do more art work this year. I think creating stuff helps the brain.
I need all the help I can.
I am afraid of growing stagnant.
Although as far as self improvement goes I do need to learn to keep my cool. Yesterday I went down to the town of Burlington. It is hard to believe I actually lived there for five years. It is just one big crowded angry obnoxious traffic jam. I had been stuck in solid traffic for a good 30 minutes. There was one stupid girl who stopped her car just in front of me while the light was green just talking on her cell phone. My inner "Somerville" came out and I leaned on my horn. Her response was to flip me the finger. I should have just ignored her continuing obnoxiousness but I could not control myself and responded in the same manner.
After that, I was disgusted with myself for reacting that way.
I have to just stop and just breathe.
It is not worth dropping to that level of uncultured inhumanity.
I just have to keep calm.
No, I won't let people walk all over me. I will state what I want but as Cesar Milan (the Dog Whisperer) would say, "be calm assertive".
I have to admire the pigeons as I feed them. People think they are stupid and dirty but they are NOT!. They just go along and are remarkable in their survival skills.Each one is unique in their own way. If that one lone brown pigeon is indeed Brownie I wonder where he has been. Does he also look at the new year as a new year of new challenges and self improvement?
Maybe not.
Maybe I am just over thinking things.