Saturday, November 19, 2011

black friday sales

Yup, again, it is that time of year.




and shopping

And yes, I engage in the 'black friday" shopping frenzy.

To me, it is a 'sport" like hunting.

You scan the sales and plot your attack. To me, it's fun.

You can check online to view the "sneak previews sales' of black friday.

It's similar to bird watching in a way. You have to plan to get up at a certain time in order to see that particular bird. Regardless, sometimes that bird isn't always there but it is the "quest" and the "seek and find" aspect that makes it fun.

I like food shopping too. I check the sales paper, organize my coupons and go for the kill.

Years ago, I used to compete with my father on who scored the best food shopping deals.

Our conversations would go like this," you're gonna be pissed! I got a buy-one-get-one-free PLUS I had triple credit coupons! You gotta be retaaahded to pass up this wicked pissa good deal!"

The funny part was I only bought stuff that I use.

My father would buy anything and everything he had double/triple coupons for. Somedays he would have bought cases of creamed corn, canned green beans or rago pasta sauce. My mother would just roll her eyes not knowing what to do with all these canned goods. If there was ever a nucleur holocaust we would be set for life with all the creamed corn, green beans and rago.

He would call me and tell me what was "good" on sale at the Star market. (Star market was the grocery store of choice. Today, it no longer exists)

I do my father's Christmas shopping for him now. I know his eyes will light up when I describe the "deal" I scored for him on black friday.

The plan is, I will try to buy a la de da pearl necklace and earring set for him that he will give to my mother for Christmas (At least that is what I am strategizing) It's on a "special black friday early morning deal" plus I have two coupons. I know he will enjoy just hearing about the "hunt" so we shall see if I am successful!

On another note regarding shopping. H & M is now carrying the Versace line.



H & M is an inexpensive designer knock-off store. I bought a British flag purse there about 15 years ago for just $12.00. It's pretty beat up now from years of use but it remains still one of my fav pocketbooks.

I just recieved in the mail a Sophia Vergara top I ordered from

Yup, Kmart.

It is bloody gorgeous!

It was wrapped up and labeled nicely as well. I only paid only $22.00 for it.

I've seen similar tops in boutiques in Newburyport that easily could go for $120.00. It is that nice.

Pssst..I ordered a pair of Sophia Vergara shoes too, but don't tell anyone.

I can't wait to get them!


  1. I am in love with those boots...I wouldn't be able to walk in the every... but it would be fun to just have them, and look at them... Just thought I'd share that.

  2. JFYI fox those shoes above are versace boots sold at H & M! They are yummy, aren't they?
