Thursday, November 17, 2011

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 47

The photo (on part 46) was taken 3 weeks ago.

The photo above (part 47) I took 5 minutes ago.

You can clearly see how badly eroded Craow Dum's beak is. He can not close his mouth since his remaining upper beak is only a 1/2 inch piece of keratin.

I have to fill his food cup all the way to the top in order for him to eat. I notice he tilts his head to the side scooping one seed/pellet at the time to eat. He will feast for a good hour. He has no other bird to compete with for food so he can take his time. I know he is consuming a decent amount fof food because he poops constantly.

Yesterday a little more of his beak splintered off. I hope and pray no more falls off.

Yesterday when I sat down to watch the evening news I felt something leaning next to me. When I looked down there was Craow Dum snuggled right up to me.

I looked down and he looked up.

I groomed his head of dander and wayward feathers. He fell asleep purring.

"Eddie" (my favorite cockatiel) flew in the room and immediately climbed up on my chest to snuggle under my chin. She had to make sure that she was still the top cuddle bird!

And then of course, Fresh baby and Button flew in the room landing on my head. They did not want to miss out on anything.

As I look down on Craow Dum I can't help but marvel at this little bird's appreciation of just being.

He has no concern with vanity on how awful his beak looks. I know myself I'll look in the mirror dismayed at how big my nose looks and how my skin is sagging at the jaw-line. Craow Dum doesn't care at how his beak looks so long as he can eat and have someone to cuddle with.

He just appreciates the moment.


  1. Seriously, a2zbaby...what the ....?!?!!
    I am posting about caring for baby birds NOT human infants (?)
    Are you actually reading the posts?

  2. I think you get just as much out of caring for that little guy as he gets out of being cared for.

    I'm guessing that A2Zbaby is spam.
