Friday, November 11, 2011

The "poor man's" African grey & the "Merry Widow"

the "poor man's African grey

The "merry Widow"

I've always wanted an African grey parrot.

They are extremely smart and if they bond with you, become your life partner.

"Craow Dum" the pigeon is a funny little guy.

I never realized how personable and affectionate pigeons are. When I take Craow Dum out of his cage to run around he will stop, look up at you and smile!

He flies a little now. He will land on my shoulder like my other birds do pretending to be a parrot. My husband jokes with me and says, "there's your African grey you've always wanted. He's your "poor man's African grey!"

I look at Craow Dum with his half missing crooked beak and his chubby girth. I can't help but laugh.

Meanwhile, after "Smitty" the budgie passed away I noticed changes in his partner "Twillinger".

When "Whook"s partner "Dexter" died years ago. Whook was very quiet and appeared to be depressed for a long time. "Twillinger" did not react the same way as Whook did.

"Twillinger" was grossly obese. Budgies generally weigh 30 grams. Twillinger weighed 76 grams! However, I never saw Twillinger eat on her own. Smitty "fed' her. She hardly left her cage either.

After Smitty died, Twillinger demanded to be let out of her cage. She immediately parked herself on Whook's cage. She spent more time flying around which she never did before. I noticed she has slimmed down quite a bit as well. She never spent time mourning Smitty like Whook did . She was more like the "merry widow".

I could'nt help think of when women get divorced how they spend more time out and about socializing, working out at the gym and trying to lose weight to look good. Twillinger seemed to fit that mold. Maybe her relationship with Smitty wasn't as great as I had thought. She seems to be enjoying her new found freedom.

I dunno.

These are just some of todays crazy ponderings!


  1. What a concept - a merry widow budgie. You've certainly got her/it pegged, V. I'm glad you both aren't mourning Smitty.

  2. It's amazing to me how your birds seem to behave like humans. I guess when you think about it, there are only so many behaviors. Maybe every living thing shares them all.

  3. It's so true.
    "Fresh baby' (yellow female cockatiel)reminds me so much of a snotty teenage girl. She definitely favors my husband and will "use me" like a sucker when he isn't around.
    "Whook" is like the family's favorite uncle. Sometimes I will find up to five birds squished in his small budgie cage just 'visiting him".
