Thursday, December 9, 2010

Have a Tacky christmas!

Christmas brings out the best ,and the worst as far as tackiness.

*(As vividly demonstrated by the attachment photo (above) that has been circulating around on the internet.)

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I really enjoy driving around checking out the Christmas decorations around the neighborhood. Some homes are beautifully and tastefully done up. I have to admire the decorating artistry of some imaginative folks.

And then there are some that are catapulted beyond the "tacky-meter".

I drove by one house where bits of vinyl siding is missing and hanging off the roof line. There were trash bags that are torn laying about the yard along with a rusted grill and a tipped over bird bath. A sting of colored light with only half of them working are hung up haphazardly along the roof line. Giant (filthy)) plastic snowmen are perched in the yard and of course, no tacky yard is complete without those gigantic blow-up santas. Do these people step back to look at their creation and actually think their house looks nice?

I've seen some houses are a decorated nicely but they ruin it by piling a bunch of those blow-up santas, snowmen, snoopys and grinches all over the place. There was one house with a big yard in Rye that had at least a hundred of those blow up ornaments. They are so bad that they are actually good. I think little kids might get a kick out of it. I know my Father does! Ha!

I think it is beyond tacky when a bunch of "barneys" (liberals) gather about protesting and asking for the removal of Nativity scenes displayed in public places.

Get a F*&^ing life people!

And of course the "fashion police" would have a bloody field day with some of the "holiday " outfits people dare to wear. Nothing is worse than those sweatshirt you see at Walmart with sayings that say, "Ho Ho HO", "Santa, define Naughty", or anything with a stupid snow-man on it.

I think cute small colorful holiday pins are fine on a suit collar, or sweater but those giant dangling Christmas bulb earrings are just wrong.

And I have to mention tacky gifts too.

Anything at Walgreens that is advertised "as seen on TV" is super tacky. These items are chia pets, snuggee blankets, the clapper (oh my God...) and the newest item I saw advertised is the "booty pop". It is a butt enhancer advertised as making your butt go 'from flat to fab". Seriously can you imagine getting one of those as your gift?

Walgreens also sells dancing Christmas trees, santa mice that 'rap" to christmas music and the worst one is santa with his pants down sitting on a chimney toilet. When you press a button, it plays Christmas music as way of a farting sound. My brother had one of these and the kids love it. Little boys love anything that gross!

Regifting is tacky too. I think they only way to can get away with regifting if you recieve a really nice box of chocolates or wine, and you need to get someone a gift ASAP. Of course you need to check the expiration date to make sure that box of chocolates weren't regifted to you, plus it has to be good chocolates like Godivas (none of that Whitman sampler crap)

I have gotten some obvious regifted 'gifts" that were pretty bad (and thoughtless)

Seriously?!? Dollar store salt & pepper shakers? Cheap wooden coasters with old wrapping paper still stuck to it?

I can understand not having alot of extra dough to spend on gifts but give something that you would like as a gift such as home-made fudge wrapped nicely. I know when I give someone a gift I say to myself "would I like to recieve this?"

This may be tacky of me but I found writing this post rather fun.

Oh what the heck, have a Tacky Christmas! (wink)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There are certainly tacky ornaments displayed in Gloucester. I think it's funny when the blow up statues are deflated every morning due to the pump stopping or the air getting too cold or whatever. They are all slumped in place and mopey. Poor guys.

  3. Everyone out this way decorates their homes for Christmas...I swear each house tries to outdo the other. Some front yards are tiny, but it doesn't stop them from filling every square inch with light up reindeer, blow up snow globes,inflatable Disney characters, Santas, elves, name it, it blows up and shows up on someone's lawn. We have icicle lights outlining the roof, and light nets on the bushes. Nothing blinks. I hate blinking.
