Sunday, November 28, 2010


Tough Sh*t A$$holes.

That is what TSA stands for. (Not for Transportation Security Administration.)

What a joke.

You know, I am all for upping security to keep our country safe but these new "regulations" that validate a "free for all" pass to grope and xray private citizens (without a radiologists license) really REALLY bothers me. It was bad enough having to take off your shoes to go through security. I get the shivers just thinking about walking on those dirty nasty floors with my stocking feet. Yuck.

Seriously, has taken off your shoes standing in a check-in line made the skies any safer?

It's all just "window dressing" to make it look like security is doing something. The terrorists and other assorted whack jobs are always thinking of new schemes to blow up airliners. What needs to be done is luggage needs to be checked more closely, cargo holds to need to be checked more closely and electronic devices from cell phones, computors, clocks and watches really need to be checked. Our "instinctive profiling radars" need to be on alert especially.

Never mind this silly "politically correct" crap.

Never mind this invasive naked scan nonsense.

I knew from day one there would be abuses, especially geared towards women, in regards to these so called "security checks".

I just read in the paper how one woman was singled out in the Orlando airport because she had large breasts.

It was a "random" security check.


As always women are victimized and abused and told to shut up. Meanwhile, suspicious looking middle-eastern type males yell discrimination and threaten to sue if they are "profiled".

It's digusting.

And stupid.

John Pistole, the joke administrator of the TSA offers no apologies to those (women) in particular who are violated under the guise of airport security . The only crime these women committed was that they wanted to go to Disney.

"It's all for the sake of national security!"

Pistole is a total wanker.
It wouldn't surprise me that you find out later that he's been bagged in some sort of weirdo sex scandal.

Obama should be a ashamed of himself allowing this clown to be in charge.

But then again, Obama did nothing to get help to stop that disastrous 3 month oil leak either.

I think this is the last time that I'll be traveling by plane.

It's just not worth it anymore.

It's expensive, sickening, dirty and I don't feel safe anymore.

It's a disgrace and a bloody joke.


  1. The Captain was given the "enhanced frisking" both ways on our trip to Andros earlier this month. It was because his new knee set off the alarm. They wouldn't be satisfied with a card from his doctor. They had to do the whole rubber gloves thing. He was calm and only said, "Do you ever wonder whether you'll make it to the end of the day?" to the TSA guy.

    Now he's talking about taking the train to Ft. Lauderdale the next time we're going to Andros.

    We'll see.

  2. It's absolutely ridiculous and embarrassing. I would've been mortified especially having other the passengers watching and the TSA watching.
    No dignity

  3. Here, here... I was singled out for the x-ray last time I flew. I watched who else they picked as I put my shoes, belt, and jacket back on. we all had one thing in common...big boobs, no lie. A guy even noticed. He nudged his wife and said, "Looks like you won't have to worry about the naked camera thing after all"...

  4. OMG....that is so bloody degrading Fox.
    I can't even stand the "sign of peace' in church where strangers turn around and want to shake your hand. I would probably have a full blown meltdown.
