Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving "specials"

I got a couple of store sale flyers in my newspaper this morning advertising sales on Thanksgiving Day.


Are you serious?

Shopping on Thanksgiving day?

Isn't this a "day off' day?

Isn't this one of those few days you get off to solely spend with friends or family?

Does Walmart really have to be open on Thanksgiving day?


The first thing that enters my mind is what sucky bosses they must have at Walmart to make their employers work. I mean, really, that is just plain f*&^ing mean.

I had pet sitting customers this morning but it is a necessity job for me to give people a little freedom for those who want to travel to see friends and family. I charge a little more on the holidays for this service. Pets need to be cared for. There is no day off in taking care of your pets. Period.
I work around my schedule so that I do have 'family time" so it is not that big of a deal. Pets have to be taken care of. They can't be left alone for an extended period of time. There is a difference between working on a holiday that differentiates between what is a necessary job and what isnt.
Working on Thanksgiving day in Walmart is just plain stupid.

I remember working all day on big holidays and it sucked big time.
I was working in a nursing home while I was in high school. Unfortunately I had to work. I didn't want to but I was threatened with being fired if I didn't work two of the big holidays. Nursing homes needed staff to care for the residents there. My father always had to work Christmas too since he was a cop.

I think this is what irritates me about Walmart being open on Thanksgiving is that I somewhat doubt workers volunteered to work on Thanksgiving. And it isn't one of those life or death type of jobs like being a nurse, fireman or policeman.

I know I am going to sound like an old fart but I think this is one of the reasons why there is so much problems with broken families and lack of unity is because family time is not encouraged in this country. It seems like making a buck is more important.

Shopping on Black Friday? Yeah..go for it. It's a contact sport.

Shopping on Thanksgiving? Boycott. No way would I ever go shopping on this day.


  1. I was very surprised to hear Walmart, Sears and other stores would be open on Thanksgiving! People want to be with their families they look forward to it. It very selfish on the part of the higher ups to be open on a family day. You can bet that they were not working and were with there families.

  2. You are sooooo right on Bill.
    I feel the same way.It's totally mean to their employees to make them work on a "family' holiday.
    Hey, I hope you had a nice day. :-)
    I ate waaaay too many powdered dates ( my favorite holiday treat) and carrots. My nephews think it is funny to see my plate piled a mile high with peas.Actually, I think it grosses them out! ha ha
