Friday, November 19, 2010

decorating for the holidays

I really don't mind seeing Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving.

I kind of feel that Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's day is one big holiday amalgamation. It takes so much preparation for just one day that you might as well spread it out and just enjoy it.

I like to put my decorations up on Thanksgiving morning.

However, the day after New Year's day, I have to put everything away. After New Year's day, everything looks old, stale AND depressing. I can't stand to look at it after that.

For years, and I mean for years, I would put up a big huge Christmas tree and decorate t it with a 'fish" theme as well as alot of old ornaments I have had since I was a kid. For the past few years, I found the task of putting this tree up with all it's ornaments (and taking them down) daunting. My birds hate "the big scary tree" too. I started to feel overwhelmed and a bit of depressed.

I can't explain why either.

Life changes, you know.

Ideas, themes and feelings change.

I know alot of people get depressed during the holidays. I know some older folks get stuck on a antiquated notion of what they think the holidays are suppose to be like.

So, I decided to shake things up.

Why stay stuck in old ways if it's stressing you or bumming you out? That's ridiculous.

I no longer put the big tree up anymore. I now buy a small live tree that I decorate modestly with "parrot"or "fish" decorations and then, I'll plant the tree in the yard afterwards.

I put out a few "new" decorations that I had recently bought that make me smile. I have an array of "santa' frogs. Yes, large santa frogs that I strategically place in my living room.

I keep my religious icons out all year long. I mean, that is what Christmas is really all about, right?

I put just a few of my, now, "new" favorite pieces out from Thanksgiving to New Year's day to enjoy.

I know some people go completely "whole hog" in decorating for the holidays.

My mother is one of those people.

The amount of time and effort she puts into it is amazing. Even her bathroom has a 'winter" theme with snowman towels, a snow flake soap dish and a matching shower curtain. The yard is adorned with lights, wreaths and a moving lighted wire reindeer. Of course, there is a fully decorated Christmas tree, an adorned fire-place mantle and Christmas theme plates on a pointsetta printed table-cloth arranged perfectly on the dining table.

One of the things I like about the holidays is seeing all the decorations.

I hadly ever go in shopping malls but I will go in for one day to see the decorations. I'll drive around certain neighborhoods just to see their outdoor displays. Alot of my friends decorate their homes too. They also change up their decorating theme like I have which is fun to see.

Hey, it can be a really nice time of the year if you allow it to be! :-)


  1. I would like to have Halloween, then Thanksgiving before I have to worry about spending for Christmas....that's probably never going to happen, though. Holidays in calendar order, please.

  2. Oh yeah, I agree but unfortunately, at least for me, I have to get a head start since I have customers, charities and vet offices I need to take care of as well.
