November 29th was the fifth anniversairy of my Aunt's passing.
It is hard to believe that she has been gone for five years now.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I visit her memorial bench at least twice a year. I visit it more during the summer months when I take some of my dog customers there but I make a point of visiting "her' on May 25th (her birthday) and on November 29th (the anniversairy of her passing).
It was bit cold and overcast but at least it was'nt windy or drizzily which made my "visit" doable.
I placed a small bouquet of flowers on her bench and sat there enjoying the view over the Merrimack river. It was sort a meditative moment for me where I just emptied my mind and took in the smell of the leaves and pines. I thought to myself what a nice painting this would make of the reflection of the 95 bridge over the river with it's fall colours.
As I sat there, I heard something that sounded like wind chimes. I thought that was odd because it wasn't particularly windy and there isn't a house nearby for about a half a mile.
As I sat there, the chimes got louder and louder. I am not a superstitious person but I was starting think my Aunt was "sending me a message" of some sort.
I turned around and there was my cousin and her three dogs coming up the hill.
The chimes were the dogs mini cow-bells on their collars. She looked as surprised as I was to see me sitting there.
She was on her way along with her two brothers to commemorate their mother's passing.
"Don" brought a wreath for her bench and had a copy of a special poem he had prepared to recite in her honor. After he said his serious piece, we joked around a bit afterwards repeating verbatim some of our ribald childhood "poetry" such as the infamous "Paul Revere's poop wagon ride".
We joked around quoting some of the things my Aunt would've said when we placed the wreath and flowers on her bench, "oh you should'nt have." Save your money." "What did you do that for?"
I do believe she was with us at that moment enjoying our get together and revelling at being "the star of the show".
Yes, I do believe her spirit was with us.