Tuesday, March 19, 2013

El papa nunca la papa part 2

*It's amazing what you can find on the internet (see above)

I got a call from my cousin at 7:00am this morning.
 She couldn't wait to call me.
She had been going through her journals and diaries mostly to find some her letters during the time she spent in Mexico as a foreign exchange student. It was interesting (and freakin' hilarious) to see through the eyes of a 17 year old navigating the cultural differences in a foreign country. She would gag at the site of dead chickens hanging fully feathered by their feet in open markets, baskets of bread left out in the open, and the sound of her little bratty Mexican "brother" peeing so loudly at night in "los banos". She would share these stories in our spanish classes for our amusement. Her dairies ring similar to, "The life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" by Bill Bryson.. It's really funny stuff and-ALL true life experiences!
This morning, she found an entry in one of her journal dated May 25th 1975 in which she had to call me right away.
OK folks get into the hot tub time machine to the year 1975!
It was my Aunt's birthday. We were all invited over for a cook-out at her back yard patio in Rowley. As the adults were busy chatting away, drinking and eating ,and whatever. My cousin, my sister and myself took off down the street.
We found our way over to St Mary's church and  we just walked right in!
Of course, there was no one around.
 So, we had the church to ourselves.
My cousin went upstairs to play the organ.
My sister was the announcer and  I was the priest.
My sister made the announcement "father Gallihigar presiding!"-(which was funny in itself since Father Gallhigar was a big fat priest who reeked really bad of BO.)
And I rang the bell for the start of "mass". The journal didn't mention whether or not I put on the holy vestments or if I opened up the communion vault for "communion" but it wouldn't surprise me.
I don't remember doing this but we pulled a lot stunts like this..
Maybe this was a precursor to my life of as a modern day Saint! ha!

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