Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yes, I am the crazy bird-lady!

I bet these aren't the typical conversation you have in the morning start of the day.

"Do you have to clean the pigeon's nose while I am eating breakfast?"
"Didn't you just change the table-cloth?!? So why is there poop on it?"
"Save the newspaper. I need it for Patches cage"
"Yeah, the birds are eating your scone. It's OK. It's a healthy home-made one"
"Eddie is sitting in your oatmeal. Why did you leave it there?"
"OK we have to meet so and so at 8:00am so that gives us enough time to get the birds ready before we leave"
"Did Whook just say, "very good indeed?"
"I'll vacuum the floor if you take care of Louie"
"oh shit! Button came out just to poop on my nice clean shirt!"
"OK, I can go to your BBQ so long as I am home by 5:00" (so I can be home for the birds)

Ah yes, life with birds.

And the word is out.
Yesterday, I got two calls from people telling me they found baby birds that fell out of their nest. No I am not a wildlife rehabber. I never claim to be one either . I am just a pet sitter.
Unfortunately these people who had called me were desperate. They were turned away from vet office (that are not wildlife certified) and animal control (who do not have the time or interest in dealing with wild birds) Most wildlife rehabbers are now getting over loaded with injured and orphaned critters.
So, just from experience, I try to walk these people through in offering (hopeful) advice.
And from my last post, I get calls from people who want or need to re-home their domestic pet birds.
I have a new budgie now.

And yes, my life does revolve around my birds.
As I sit here and type. Dover, who is a visitor, is sitting on my shoulder. I was suppose to travel out west this week to a graduation. It just so happen that many of my "bird customers" also had graduations to attend to as well.
So I decided to stay home and care for the birds instead.
* above photo is from a client who goes shopping (at Home Depot) with their owner.

So, there.I am NOT the only one who does everything with their birds!