Thursday, May 17, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 73

I've been out of commission all week.The migraines have been nasty .I missed a town meeting and a chamber dinner this week.
I still manage to get out to the beach to, at least, walk to get oxygen circulating to my brain.
"Kim" (the new white pigeon with kohl rimmed eyes) still stands out making a striking appearance among the grey pigeons."The Rock" is there too strutting around proudly. No sign of "Brownie" or even "JLo". It's been very windy in the morning  with winds blowing out from the NW. I've found pigeon egg shells blowing around on the side walk as well a the blue robin's egg shells.
This morning I found a small bird just sitting on the sidewalk. I almost stepped on it. I picked it up and it appeared to be a young immature goldfinch! He just sat in my hand. I wasn't sure what to do because I wasn't sure that he was OK. I checked him over to see if there were any injuries. To my surprise, he appeared to be injury-free. Then, all of a sudden, he just took off.
I was glad for that.
He either did his first test flight and got knocked around from the wind or he got biffed by a passing car and landed on the side-walk.He was probably a bit shell shocked. Thankfully a cat or a seagull didn't find him.
The birds have been definitely busy this time of year. I saw a rose breasted grosbeak as well as a Baltimore Oriole this morning. My back deck is a goldfinch convention hall. I counted at least twenty five of them all hanging off the feeders.
"Craow Dum" the pigeon  took his weekly bath today and sat by the french doors to sun himself. He enjoys watching the "other" birds. I do have to watch out for "Patches", my randy male cockatiel. He has been obnoxiously aggressive. The pigeon is at least three times his size and Patches still chases him around.
"Princess" is visiting now so hopefully that will keep Patches busy.

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