Monday, May 16, 2011

one year later, on weight watchers

It has been exactly one year since I started my weight watchers journey.

Remarkably, I have not had a donut in a full year.

Sure, I've fell off the wagon indulging in other things but I've managed to stay under 115lbs.

I think the most important thing to keeping weight off is eating.

That's right, eating.

Eating pure, low fat, low sugar, low sodium, and no artificial crap foods.

To achieve this you have to cook your own food.

I broke down and bought Jamie Oliver's cookbook.

The recipes are simple and flavorful. He even has a section in his book on curry dishes. (My favorite!)

I had figured it out on my own (before I ever watched Jamie Oliver's show) that in order to make things taste good you need an array of spices to jazz things up. (Not fat, not sodium, not sugar or artificial ingredients).

It's no easy task if you work long hours because you need to take the time to buy the right ingredients and cook it.

Another thing you got to do is to read labels.

It is no wonder Americans are so F*&^%ing fat.

Everything I pick up in the supermarket has high frutose corn syrup in it. It is in ketchup, soy sauce, whipped cream, cool whip, pastries, soup, weight watchers low calorie snacks, and just about every prepackaged sauce or other-wise mix.

Corn corn CORN!

Corn is what you feed pigs to fatten them up.

I cringe when I hear the excuse that low income people are fat because they can not afford to buy healthy foods.

Are you shitting me?

A box of poptarts cost more than a bag of frozen brocolli so I don't buy that excuse.

My family certainly wasn't rich.

My mother made lots and lots of home-made soup from scratch (to stretch meals out and to utilize left-overs) which is super healthy for you.

I do the same thing.

I think another key thing in losing weight is detoxing your body from what it has been used to craving.

This is the hardest part of trying to lose excess weight is fighting off the intense (sugar)cravings.

As much as I stare at donut shops when I drive-by them I think I would probably vomit if ate them now.

My body no longer craves that kind of sugar anymore. When I am hungry I reach for a bowl of fruit or a box of raisens.

Oh yeah, I'll split a dessert with my husband when we go out.

Do no notice how I said "I'll split a dessert"?

A year ago, if he got anywhere near my dessert I would've growled at him.

Now I'm OK with a just a few bites of dessert just for a treat.This way I am not deprived of an occasional indulgence.

So far I am holding steady.

*the above photo of the large donut is from a donut shop in Round Rock, Texas! OMG!!!


  1. Good for you, V. I'm proud of you. I wish I had your will power. I've been all over the place with weight watchers. One week I'm on, the next I fall off...hard. I keep getting back on, but so far it hasn't stuck. Part of it (most of it) is boredom. I have to find a reason to leave the house every day... You'd think that would be an easy thing to do.

  2. Will power? me? No way!
    I over indudge many times but I just stay away from my out-of-control downfall (donuts!)
    it takes a long long time to turn off the sugar switch. And it doesn't help when you think you are eating healthy only to find out the prepackaged so called "weight watcher friendly" item is loaded with additive sugar and chemicals.
    I also picked up this book "eat this not that". It helps you pick healthier choices if you need to eat out or stop at a fast food chain.
