Believe it or not I did OK sticking to "the WW program" during my stay in Bonaire.
In the airport, I stopped at dunkin donuts but got a 'legal" egg-white flat sandwich and a coffee. I stayed within my "legal points allowance". I also brought an apple and raisens onboard as well since it was going to be a long flight.
I cook all my meals down in Bonaire in the little efficiency. This way I can eat stuff I like and that is low fat. Thankfully, my husband is perfectly happy with whatever I cook.
There are certain staples I bring with me down to Bonaire and that is:
salt, pepper, curry powder, thai spice mix, 25 tea bags ( I drink alot of tea), a big bag of cashews, multiple boxes of raisens and instant oatmeal.
Since Bonaire has a lot of dutch influence, the bakery in the grocery store has an assortment of yummy dutch pastries. I have to say I was proud of myself and did not divulge in any cookies or appleflap pastries. In the past, I would go through a box of cookies a day rationalizing that I was diving alot therefore burning alot of calories.I'm not going to mention all the appleflaps and stopping at the ice cream stand either that was consumed on past trips.
We did buy scones.
My husband and I split them as a snack. We bought a small carton of ice cream that we rationed all week. I thought this was a huge positive step in junk food reduction.
Unfortunately, the dutch do not have "fat free" ice cream so I looked on the label for the lowest
amount of fat content. I settled on caramel praline at "6g vet" (some ice cream flavors were up to "16g vet")
Vegetables are always an issue in the Bonaire grocery store. Everything is imported so the limited amount of fresh vegetables available are really aren't all that fresh and really expensive. One thing that have alot of is these giant carrots.
I mean these are really huge carrots.
I'd really hate to run into the rabbit that goes after these carrots.
You buy one carrot and it lasts the whole week. By the end of the week, my husband and I have orange cheeks like you see babies have after eatting lots of carrots.
I will share with you my "Bonaire carrot recipe:
chop carrots and boil them (they are thicker than potatoes)
stir fry with FF spray oil fresh garlic and fresh chopped ginger
stir fry the carrots along with 1/4 cup of soy sauce and heaping tablespoon of curry
add cashews and raisens
stir fry carrots until fairly soften up and browned lightly
And there you have it!
In a small oriental supermarket, close by the major grocery store downtown, we found a variety of other types of green vegetables. I think the owners of the store grow them in their back yards. They labeled them "spinach" but they didn't look like spinach nor do they taste like spinach (they were a little bitter). Regardless, they were green, fresh and edible. I'd cook them with ginger and soy sauce. Hey, if the local iguanas like it them then it must be good!
We got up at 5:30am and would go for a 3 mile morning run. We get up before the blasting sun so we don't get cooked.
We started our first dive at 7:00am.
Our dives are shallow water dives. We would do three 30 foot dives for an hour each. We definitely got our exercise but didn't realize it until we both passed out at 7:30pm in the evening. We are definitely not night owls.
Like I said before, I am so glad my husband and I are on the same page as far as diving goes. He's a great dive buddy!
What was remarkably nice about having lost weight is that my wetsuit slid right on. Also I could reduce the amount of weight on my weight belt from 18lbs to 14 lbs.
That was really nice.
Diving was easier as well.
When I stepped on the scale after our trip I remained the same weight.
So far so good!
What a testimony, V. You are the poster child for eating right and exercising right and sleeping enough. I'm re-inspired to do it too.
ReplyDeleteWe leave for Andros on Nov. 11th and I want to have my wetsuit slide on just like yours does.
Hooray for you! I hope you have fun in Andros. I'd be interested in hearing how the fish life is there.
ReplyDeleteAs far as wetsuit fitting right and staying on the program, I know you can do it!
Seriously, I think us ladies are prone to sweet/starchy carbs addictions. It is bloody painful to detox from it but once you do you are OK.