Friday, March 11, 2016

life with birds too

It was wonderful to friends last saturday at SeaRovers. It was exciting to see all of Fred's films running on a continuous reel throughout the day-especially the latest one of our adventures in Andros. Seriously I was smiling the entire day! It was great fun!
With that said and done, I started to feel a 'darkness" descending upon me. The next day, the symptoms got worse and I could not get it together, and eventually collapsed on the couch. A monster migraine was moving in.
Even my feet hurt, my hair hurt and my eyes couldn't stop tearing up.
I even missed tai chi classes this morning. And today is friday!
I still feel shitty.
I pretty much did what I absolutely had to do this week  (took care of my customers, did laundry, took care of the birds etc..)but I spent the rest of the time with a cold towel on my face on the couch.
It is so odd how my birds know when I am "off".
As I lay on the couch with a cold cloth on my forehead one by one the birds flew into the living roon to accompany me. One would be on head, another on my foot, another on the pillow and two walking around on my chest. The pigeons scooted in next to me on the couch to nap.
As I am typing this I hear a loud "flap flap" and cooing sound. The pigeons are coming upstairs to check on me. It is so funny how in tune they are.
When I arrived home from the SeaRovers on saturday both the pigeons were perched on the chair facing the door awaiting my arrival. The rest of the birds were making a racket and immediately flew over pulling papers out of my "goodie bag" of travel brochures from the show.
I have to say I'm never lonely.
How can I be with my flock?

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