Monday, March 21, 2016

facebook irritations

*this photo was 'shared" on facebook. It was one of the 'few" funny photos I've seen relating to politics. I really just thought it was funny because it involved a troll doll.

I joined facebook only a year ago. Yes, I know,I'm  slow poke dinosaur trying to keep up. However,my nephews (now)tell me no one goes on facebook any more. People do other things (in which I can't remember what he said). Even twitter is outdated.
 I was hestitant to join facebook because it did not want to be barraged by;
1) boring baby pictures
2) political rants & propaganda
3) anti religion crap
I was very selective in linking friends so I wouldn't have to look at stuff that would irritate me but yet, I'm bombarded with heaps of (mostly leftist) buzz word propaganda pasted on photo shopped pictures.My husband showed me how to delete these by clicking("do not show") . But regardless it seems more and more  new shit appears. It never ceases to amaze me that people will actually believe some hate provoking head-liner just because it is on the internet. It is no wonder radicals and nutters are springing up all over the place. It's constant.
 If I see one more  anti-white police bullshit story I'll scream.
If I see one more "Warren" for president I'll puke.
I've serious thought of just not doing the facebook thing anymore because of all the aggravating crap.
However,I do stay on because I do enjoy the "amazing world of cockatiels" with all the cute photos and stories. I also like the pet sitter page and the palomacy pigeon rescue site. Every once in awhile some political junk will slip in the private chat groups and the moderator ( members) will  scold the person who posts something that is "not appropriate" for the group.


  1. You are right, V. Facebook stuff is irritating sometimes. I stay on it to view the world of the kids, grandkids and great-grandkids. That's it.

  2. I think most folks who can navigate through the junk use facebook to stay in touch with friends and family.

  3. I have to be online constantly for work. I have learned to browse headlines, block horrific photos, and ignore status updates in order to know what to avoid reading. It takes a toll on your psyche. I have to meditate the negativity away, daily.

  4. PS.. I just regained control of my blog after 3 months of trying. Don't ever lose your password. It's harder to recover than breaking into Fort Knox!
