Friday, October 7, 2016


definition -HYDROXED: when you ask for oreos and you get faux oreos such as hydrox or cream-os instead.

I remember my mother tried to pawn that one off on me. She would screech: "it's the saaaame thing!". Ah no, hydrox taste like shit and the store brand knock offs taste even shittier.

That is how I feel about the new troll movie coming out.
Dreamworks got the licensing rights to make the troll movie and about two years ago had some promotional items that featured the troll dolls that I am accustom to (above" the Don trump troll photo)
I had the movie marked on my calendar set for the November 6th release and found out that the whole troll business had been revamped. They look more like colorful smurfs. (see first photo)
I have no idea what happened to why the change in characters.
I felt like I've been hydroxed...

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