Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I pretty much visit my father religiously every Wednesday mornings.
Yeah, I could go to another zumba/exercise class instead.
But I try to make sure I get to the nursing home before 10:00am to greet "George".
 I met a very nice lady who is  a volunteer from the NHSCPA at their annual la de da fund raising gala who brings therapy dogs to  local nursing homes to comfort the sick and elderly. I asked her if she could stop by my father's room to have "George" visit my father.
"George" is a black and white "mutt" rescue dog. He is very well behaved and friendly.
I've been at the nursing home in the morning where I could tell my father had a 'rough night". (I would bet the nursing staff had a rougher night dealing with him). He would be dishevelled, still in his night clothes and had that exhausted but wild look on his face. I would gently talk to him careful not to rile him up and await "George's" visit.
As soon as George came into his room this level of calm enveloped the atmosphere. What ever transpired that evening of nightmares quickly dissipated.
George sat next to him and licked his hand. He would grumble and coo to George. It was amazing how George could calm him down. He looked forward to George's weekly visit.
I would ask the volunteer lady of George's latest adventures. Each holiday she would present my father with a special greeting card with George in it. He has photos of George all over his window sill.
I look forward to see "George" myself.


  1. What a wonderful tribute to a special animal friend. Good for George!
