Monday, February 29, 2016

comic book characters & movies

Quite frankly, I am sick of the superman and batman movies.
They bore the shit out of me.
The first "Batman' movie starring Micheal Keaton was original, colorful and entertaining. The rest of them just suck.
The same with the superman franchise. Christopher Reeves was the best. End of story.
Robert Downey Jr. successfully pulled off the "Ironman" series. He, himself, is an interesting character.
I was curious to check out the movie "Deadpool'.
 Let me tell you this "deadpool" character was a very popular figure at Boston's comic convention. As you can see from the ads above this is not a movie you can bring the kids to.
Ryan Reynolds starred as "deadpool" which kind of surprised me because he seemed like one of all around classic guys who wears golf shirts and khaki pants and stars in those sunday afternoon "hallmark" movies.
He totally pulled it off with manic wit like Jim Carrey.
Wearing tight red leather.
And carrying a big shiny sword.
The movie was freakin' hilarious.
For those who like graphic novels I would recommend it.
But for those who prefer "hallmark" movies : stay home.

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