Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Lucille Dec. 9 2015

Lucille came to us through Dr Sagar's vet assistant, Deanna, who rehomed unwanted birds. Lucille was between 4-6 years old when she came to Deanna. Deanna called me sometime in 2003 telling about this 'little female cockatiel that needed a home". The poor thing was dropped off at Deanna's in a filthy rotten cage with wet tiny poop encrusted card board boxes used as food dishes. I chucked that nasty cage and bought her a nice big cage with soft perches and toys. Poor Lucille needed some rehabbing as well since  she was terrified of men and cried.
 It makes me so sad that people take in these living feeling creatures only to grow tired of them and neglect them. At least they were decent enough to give them to Deanna to be rehomed. Lucille's original name was "Beverly" and cried when she heard that name so I renamed her Lucille.
 I spent alot of time giving Lucille attention and she soon trusted me and was no longer afraid of men.
 She later bonded and mated with another rescue bird "Linus". They had babies together. Two of "babies" I  still have: "Fresh baby" and "Scizzorpoop".
Unfortunately this mating business became a problem. Lucille was constantly laying eggs which  beats the crap out of her body. I took her to vet whenever she seemed to be in reproductive distress and thankfully it passed.
As she aged I had to keep Linus in a separate cage because, like all males, he constantly wanted to mate and was pretty pushy about it. Later on, Lucille needed lupron (anti-hormone ) shots so she wouldn't lay eggs and daily calcium drops. Over the past year she was getting weaker and weaker despite my efforts in keeping her healthy through diet, supplements and exercise. She didn't look good last night and this morning her little soul left her body.
I let Linus see her and to be with her. When he finished visiting her and talking to her  I gave her a proper burial.
I hope she had a happy life with us. She was approximately 18 years old when she died. She was such a sweet little bird and I'll miss her.


  1. I didn't realize your birds had such a normal life, V. I'm sure she couldn't have had a better one. Hugs all around.

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