Tuesday, March 3, 2015

the wild pigeons of salisbury beach part 113

I felt a little hopeful today even though the little pigeon's condition has not improved I still felt hopeful.
 I tried various things to make him comfortable and upright. I would spend the better part of the day fussing over him making sure he was clean, fed and upright.He would peck a little at the food right in front of him but I wasn't sure he was eating anything. He had the same issue with water so I would force his mouth open to hydrate him. I would also administer meds, peas and pellets. There was always problems .He would somehow manage to get out of the wrappings (or rather entangle himself) messing himself and flipping on his back.While I was talking on the phone he nearly strangled himself in the wrappings.
Jody-the wildlife rehabber-got in touch with her vet and finagled a vet appointment for me.
 I was delighted.
Even if the prognosis was that he would be disabled so long as he could eat he could stay with me as a pet. Prior to his appointment, after an hour  of coaxing and by holding him, I got him to drink water and eat on his own.
This was another small spark of hope.
Unfortunately my hope was short lived.
The vet examined him and concluded he had spinal damage with no real chance of recovery. In addition the pigeon's lower jaw was broken. Every time I tried to open the bird's mouth to feed and administer meds was causing it to fracture more. The bird was suffering and could possibly starve to death.
My husband had a hard time accepting this and continued to believe this was not the end.He was extremely upset and refused to believe there was no chance of recovery.
Yet the bottom line was that the poor little pigeon did not go home with us.
Was this the right decision?
I do not know.
 I really do not know.
 Jody met us at the vet office and we talked.
Even with the best efforts some animals don't make it.
I think about this situation and I get so furious with the @$$holes that drive so  fast at the beach area where the pigeons reside.This poor bird was hit by a car and was left stuck in a snow bank to die.
I tried saving him.

1 comment:

  1. You did the best you knew how, V. That's all that counts. Hugs, Chris
