Monday, March 3, 2014

the wild pigeons of salisbury beach part 103

It has been an especially harsh winter this year for both man and beast.
As you can see from the photo, my pigeon is taking advantage of the "solar" heat coming through the window.

He is a resourceful little guy. After I emptied the dishwasher and placed the still warm plates in the cabinet. Craow Dum hopped up in the cabinet to warm his feet on the plates. 
And of course, my husband freaked out when he saw the pigeon in the cabinet.

It has been a bitter season for the beach pigeons. Some days I could not get to beach for various reason to feed them. The days that  I did get down there I would not see the pigeons in their usually spots but flying around. The places they usually perch were covered with snow and it seems this year there were more hawks than usual making their entrance.
I found one lone pigeon nesting in above the pizza shop where I usually see them. This one was alone and had been alone for a while. I thought to myself, "oh I hope you don't have babies. It is too harsh. The poor little things will not make it".
Sadly, my fears were correct -except it was not the elements or predators that did the babies in.
This morning I found a pigeon nest next to a bucket. This nest did not fall down but was ripped off the perch. Near it I found a viable youngster stomped on.
A horrible vile cretin stomped on the live 3 week old baby.
I felt sick to my stomach.
Why would somebody do this especially in the dead of winter?
I have my suspicions of a particular individual who might have done this but I can't be sure. 
This isn't the first time I found nests tossed to the ground with chicks inside.

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