Tuesday, March 18, 2014

every one is Irish on St paddy's day!

Oh come on! I HAD to post my "Irish" troll on this St Paddy's post!

Gotta love my husband.
He cracks me up.
 He wanted to 'dress up" in "Irish" wear, go to an Irish pub, drink Guinness beer, eat Irish fare (a boiled dinner) and listen to Irish music for St Paddy's day. He is fascinated with the whole Boston's Irish heritage and culture. He thinks "Southie" boys are cool and wicked tough. 
I tease him  sometimes and call him "a fine Irish lad". And he loves it too!
It fascinates and interests him kind of like, a lot of Americans are interested in (for example:)Asian culture. It's different and exotic to him.
The stereotype of the tough-guy-no bull-shit- 'fighting Irish" intrigues him

 We went to a place in Epping called "the Holy Grail". It is an old church converted into a pub. It was actually really nice.Most people patronizing there wore green. There were a few characters that had big green leprechaun hats, flashing shamrock headbands and all kinds of "proud to be Irish" wear.
Everyone there seemed to be having a great time without any rowdiness!
So yes, my husband was "Irish for the day"!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweetie! You certainly picked a great one, V. Congratulations.
