Sunday, May 6, 2012

the wild pigeons of Salisbury beach part 72

Lately a "new" pigeon has showed up among the 'regulars'.
 This one is particularly very striking looking. "She" is pure white except she has dark rings around the eyes as if  heavy kohl eye make up was applied .I call this one "Kim Kardashan"  after the pretty "reality TV"  girl.
At first, I thought this pigeon must have been someone's escaped pet so I checked for an ankle ring (tag). However, I saw no tag. This one is a new visitor to the area. It will be interesting to see if she sticks around. Most of them come and go .I haven't seen "Brownie" in a very long time.
I stopped in a pet shop to pick up some seeds for the birds. They had all these "pet" strollers on display.
It is basically a baby carriage with a zip up box-like mesh cover. People will put small dogs (as well elderly or disabled dogs) in enclosures like this so they can take their dogs out for  fresh air and a change of scenery. I've seen cats being strolled around town in them as well.
It briefly crossed my mind that Croaw Dum would enjoy being outdoors like this.
I could picture myself at the annual local pet parade with him in it wearing a little hat with glittery streamers hanging off the sides of the carriage.
I'm officially going nuts.
I will confess I did walk my iguanas on leashes.

1 comment:

  1. Not nuts, V. You're just an avid pet fancier. It's your pets that are unusual.
