Thursday, May 24, 2012

owl tale

I was sadden and yet, not surprised to read a heading on a newspaper article stating, "Harry Potter fans abandon pet owls after series ended"
Seriously, what retard parent would actually "buy" an owl for their obnoxious brat in the first place?
Yes, no doubt owls are beautiful and cool birds.They give the illusion that they are cute and cuddly but they are not, they are birds of prey like a hawk.
Do you see that beak? That is only the tip of the beak the rest of it is hidden under the feathers and spreads wide across his face.Their talons are razor sharp and strong. If a owl struck you in the face you could actually die or at least get pretty messed up. Birds of prey go for the eyes, by the way.
They eat whole mice as their primary diet.
They upchuck mice bolus's. (undigested bits) where ever.
I can not imagine what they must be like if they are in mating mode. I know how obnoxious, down right aggressive and persistent "Patches" , my randy dominant male cockatiel, can be.
How did these people obtain a permit to 'get" an owl? It's not like there is a pet shop that breeds and sells owls for pets, is there?
The book "Wesley the owl" by Stacey OBrien give you an excellent view of life with an owl.
I am forever amazed by people's short sighted "interest" in a TV or movie animal to be kept as a pet.
Shelters in California are over run by "cute" chihuahua dogs due to movies like "Legally Blond" "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" and as a fashion accessory like Paris Hilton had carrying around in a large fancy purse. The same situation happened for the movie "101 Dalmatians".
It's a disposable society.