I've had this major snail population explosion in my fish tank.
What is ever is in my water supply is making the snails grow at a rapid rate and they are multiplying like mad. I think there is a high level of calcium. You can see white crust around the electric teapot from what I believe is calcium residue.
I don't mind looking at the snails. They eat the detritus in the bottom of the tank. My husband hates looking at the snails. I think they gross him out. He wants me to take the snails out and chuck them in the trash. I refused to do so, so we reached a compromise to control the population by getting a snail eating loach. Clown loaches eat algae and small tiny snails. They seem to be peaceful so they would get along with the other fish in the tank as well.
So off to the pet shop we went.
I picked out my loach and paid for my purchase at the counter. As I stood there I noticed a bird cage on the counter and to my horror I saw a two headed budgie in it.
I gasped.
What the F*&^!!!!?
(*It was a stuffed two headed budgie. I don't know if some taxidermist pieced this together as a joke or if it actually existed at one time and they had preserved it. Either way it was gross)
I turned to my husband and said, "why in God's name would these pet-shop guys put something like this on display!?!"
He simply answered, "because they are guys!"
Oh the horror ...the horror!
True statement, Soracha. True statement.